25 January 2012

Wasting time

One of the worst things about crack... or I guess about being an addict in general... is the amount of time you waste.

  • time trying to score
  • time picking it up
  • time doing it
  • time sleeping it off

All of that is time that you don't get back. Time that you could have spent with friends and loved ones. Time that is just ... gone.

Yeah, it's fun when you're doing it. If it wasn't, people wouldn't do it.

But every time.

Ever. Single. Time.

When it's over, when I come down, I find myself wishing I hadn't wasted the time.

Or told the lies that are necessary to explain the time that is gone... but that is another entry.

Do you ever waste time and wish you could get it back?

Funny, I thought I would regret that...

But I don't.

Sold my class rings last night. Got enough cash to pay the rent and get high.

And now I'm broke again.


Walking out of the pawn shop, I thought to myself... I'm probably going to regret this.

But really? I haven't had even a twinge of guilt for doing so. I never wanted the silly things to begin with. I've worn each of them maybe a half dozen times in the last ten years. All they do is collect dust in my closet.

Now they can collect dust in someone else's closet, and I can pay my bills.

I'm sure someday I will look back and wish that I had them. But I don't really care right now.

24 January 2012

This could be a problem...

I have $16.71 in my bank account. I get paid on Friday... $430, give or take. Rent is due on Monday. $500.

Supposed to be getting a direct deposit of $600 from the IRS ... tomorrow. Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it. Supposed to be getting $100 from a promotional giveaway this week also. I'll believe that when I see it, too.

Time to find something to sell.

Class rings? Yeah those are probably worth something.

You know why crack addicts never have class rings? It isn't because none of us got one. I have two. One from high school, one from college.

No, it's because we pawn the effing things for our next hit.


22 January 2012

Weird Nite

One thing you will learn about me. I'm political. This blog isn't meant to be a platform for that, but it's so much a part of who I am you will hear about it. Particularly the fact that I'm a life-long supporter of Ron Paul, and more importantly - the reason I support him - THE EFFING CONSTITUTION. If all of our representatives - from the President down to the local dog catcher - would just follow it - then everything else would fall into place. But I digress.

Tonight was a weird night. I went over to a friend's house for dinner. Figured at some point we'd get some shit and spend a few hours getting high. That seems to be our normal pattern. His roommate was cooking bar-b-q, and he had some other friends and friends-of-friends over. Okay, sounds good.

Got there, and they were stoned. Yep, one of the friends-of-friends had some hydro, best weed I've had in a while. Though admittedly I haven't really been spending a lot of time looking. Anyway.

Turns out the one guy is the head of the South East region of FEMA. And his buddy is some kind of special op in the CIA. This, of course, would freak me out if it weren't for the fact that they were responsible for the hydro, and heavily partaking.

Okay, so I figure with these gov't types around we're not going to be trying to score any crack for a while, at least not until they leave. Oh man, was I ever wrong.

Conversation arises. Discussion is made as to how much we want and who to call. And then things take a turn for the weird.

CIA guy says he has a contact that is way better. And it won't cost us a dime.

We shouldn't do that street shit, he says. It has poison in it. Something called mycoplasm. But the stuff they have, before it hits the streets, it is clean. So he says.


I've heard this shit before. Conspiracy crap, right? That the CIA is profiting from both sides of the drug war. Bring it in and sell it, then fight the so-called war on drugs. And something about the gov't putting stuff in it that will ultimately kill us. But because we're addicts no one will believe us if we try to warn people.

Okay, I can keep an open mind. Don't rule it out, Iran Contra does seem to suggest that at least at one time that is exactly what was going on. And the recent news about Operation Fast and Furious seems to suggest it may still be going on.

But to have a CIA guy supply you with what is probably the closest thing to 100% pure cocaine base? And all but tell you that they are responsible for what is on the streets, that is far from pure?

That. is. just. weird.

And it was the best shit I've ever had.

21 January 2012

The Road To Hell

So how did I get here, anyway? Good question.

I've always been the kind of person that was interested in mind altering substances. Weird, I suppose, because I was also an honor student. Go figure.

I did a lot of stuff in high school. Acid... lots, and lots, of acid. This kid that was selling it used to put a ten strip in a bottle of root beer and four or five of us would share it on the bus on the way to school in the morning. Pre-cal was a lot more interesting when the equations talked back and occasionally fell off the page.

Funny thing is, the first time I smoked pot was also the same night I'd snorted coke for the first time. I was fourteen. The coke came way before the pot. So all that stuff about gateway drugs? Not even close, at least for me. But I digress.

Did some pills, mostly Vicodin or Valium. My grandmother had a prescription for the latter, and dutifully filled it every month even if she'd only used a handful of her allotment. I discovered that it was very easy to make use of the excess, and as she was already starting the decline into dementia no one would notice. There was also a lot of Ritalin floating around. I am in the generation that has the highest ever incidence of diagnosed ADHD after all.

In college I had a roommate that was into Xanax. Her mother liked it too, and her step-father let her have free use of a credit card. The internet is great for getting stuff like that from India without a script. At some point we wondered if crushing it and snorting it would be any fun... and the next six months or so were consumed by that scene.

But somehow I've always looked at my life almost from the outside, as an objective observer, and known when to say "enough." Kept my grades up. Held jobs. Stopped whatever it was that I was doing abruptly when necessary and never gave it a second thought.

Until I smoked crack.

If someone had asked me a year ago, would you ever smoke crack? My answer would have been a quick hell no. And at the time, I meant it.

Problem is, I had already done more than a little experimentation with cocaine. And some of the people I liked to get high with, had no problem with smoking it.

And one night, we were already high, wanting more, and all they could find was rock. I said I wasn't going to do it, but I didn't get up and leave. Because in reality, I'd already decided I was curious.

And wanted to get high.

And I did.

And I loved it.

So down the rabbit hole I went... a line had been crossed that could not be uncrossed. I knew I would probably end up regretting it someday.

That day has long since passed.

That day was about six months ago.

Yeah kids... don't do crack. There is no good ending to this story. And even though I know that, I'm waiting for a phone call and hoping to score tonight.

That's a new one for me...

So I was sitting around getting high with S and C and J's house last night. Yes, initials. Have to protect the guilty and all.

Anyway, S showed up with about $300 worth & was willing to share in exchange for a place to crash. I don't know where he gets the money, or the shit, and I don't really care as long as he's sharing. But I digress.

Around 11, it's gone, we're picking white specks out of the carpet that never get you high and half the time are crumbs from yesterday's lunch anyway, and seeing how much cash we have between us. $94. Shit. Anyone got $6?

Money found. Phone call made. Fifteen minutes later, we're splitting up another pile of rock.

It seems a little different. Nothing to noticeable, and it's getting us off, so I don't think much of it. Until C starts to yawn.

Hmm. That is odd.

And then she drops the bombshell.

"I think this shit is mixed with heroin."

No way.

"Yeah, I've done it. I know what it feels like."


Not something I would have done knowingly, but not bad.

Now I'm sitting here wondering if she was right. That would be a new one for me if it really was.

Who Is Me

So who the hell is this crazy person spilling their innermost thoughts about their crack habit all over the world wide web? I am me.

I am a thirty-something college graduate. I'm white. I'm female.

In short - I am not the stereotype. Neither are most of my friends, for that matter.

The stereotype is a middle-aged black homeless gangster. We're not middle aged black homeless gangsters. A few of the guys we buy from might be, but I doubt they're users. At least not like us. If they were, they wouldn't be selling their shit.

The stereotype isn't real.I am me, and I am real.

I make $28K a year. I pay $500 a month for my one-bedroom apartment in the kind of neighborhood where you only go out after dark if you're trying to score.

I like country music. I cry when I watch sappy movies.

I have friends that aren't addicts, or even users. Lots of them, actually. And most of them don't know about me.

I'm a Christian. Not perfect, but who is?

I go to church. They obviously don't know about me.

That's why I started this blog. To reveal the real me. Without saying who I am.

Welcome aboard.

19 January 2012

The First Time

I'll never forget my first time.

Intense.  Powerful.  Life-changing. 

It started innocently enough.  We were sitting on the bed, drinking beer.  One thing led to another, and then... A warm flush... tingly all over.  The best feeling ever.

No, not sex.  Crack cocaine. 

Welcome to an addict's inner thoughts.  Fasten your seatbelts.  This blog is real, this blog is harsh, this blog is no-holds barred.